Het Burgerinitiatief voor Participatie en Goed Bestuur was
uitnodigd voor de informatiebijeenkomst met het IMF op 9 juni jongstleden.
Ondanks dat het Burgerinitiatief twijfels had bij de mate waarop haar stem (en
daarmee die van de maatschappelijke organisaties en individuele burgers die zij
vertegenwoordigt) gehoord zou worden, besloot zij toch aanwezig te zijn. In
samenwerking met de overige Burgerinitiatief-leden is vooraf een statement
opgesteld, welke Rayah Bhattacharji van PROJEKTA heeft opgelezen. Dit statement
is hieronder te lezen.
Het Burgerinitiatief wil benadrukken dat zij verre van
tevreden is over het gebrek aan transparantie en participatie rondom de
overeenkomst met het IMF. Helaas bleek ook tijdens de informatiebijeenkomst dat
de afspraken in de IMF-overeenkomst het Burgerinitatief (en de rest van het
maatschappelijk middenveld zoals de vakbeweging) weinig handvaten geven om de
overheid en het overheidsbeleid te kunnen controleren.
Statement Burgerinitiatief voor Participatie en Goed Bestuur
Informatiesessie IMF, 9 juli 2016
The Citizen’s
Initiative for Participation and Good Governance appreciates this opportunity
to be informed, even though for us, this is much too late in the process for
this information to be of real use.
For we, a
broad group of Civil society organizations and individual citizens, advocate
for policy that is firmly embedded in principles of human rights, and which
adheres to the principles of good governance, in particular participation,
transparency, and accountability.
None of these
principles were taken into account during the preparation of the IMF agreement
or of the more comprehensive ‘Herstel- en Stabilisatieplan’ of the government, both
of which will have further strong negative impact on the quality of life of all
our citizens, especially the most vulnerable ones. Further negative impact,
because since September 2015 our currency has already been devalued by 47%
compared to its value in May 2015.
Contrary to
the impression that ideas, plans, measures and intended agreements were
discussed with a very broad group of stakeholders, and that everyone had the
opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way, we as Civil Society groups and
as citizens, have only had access to any ideas, drafts and the full scope of the IMF agreement
since this Tuesday morning, while the ‘Herstel- en Stabilisatieplan’, has only
been made public last week – the same day that our elected representatives
in the National Assembly, were given the documents. In addition, no Government
Financial Reports were produced in the past 5 years (2010 – 2015), reports
which would have enabled us to form our own opinion as to the size and the
depth of the developing finance problem in Suriname.
As Civil
Society, we have always stated our willingness to contribute in any way to the
design, implementation and monitoring of any policy, regardless of who has
political power. However, participation must be meaningful, through public and transparent
processes and open to a broad cross-section of our community. Information
sessions and consultations after the fact, after negotiations are finalized,
and policies are presented, do not constitute real, democratic and meaningful
As Civil
Society we do want to contribute to discussions and policy, but information
needed to make any meaningful contribution – for example when it comes to
discussing energy tariffs – is not available or accessible. If we do not have
access to the real costs the energy company has, we cannot contribute to
discussions about tariff plans and cost prices. This is just one example.
We are aware
of the fact that the IMF is not directly accountable to us, and that we,
citizens should hold our own government to account, which is what we have been
doing from the inception of this Citizen's Initiative. Examples of our work are
readily and publicly accessible.
Finally, we
would like to know if there is any measure or agreement that will ensure more
transparency and participation, and will enable us to do our job in holding
duty bearers accountable.
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